MacHack 1997
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305 lines
#include "DrawSprocket.h"
#include "FlockDrawing.h"
#include "FinderRegistry.h"
** globals
GrafPtr gOldPort;
DSpContextReference gDrawContext;
DSpAltBufferReference gUnderlay;
extern long gNumItems;
extern Handle gIcons[];
extern Handle gMasks[];
extern Point gPositions[];
extern Rect gWindowRect;
extern long gWindowView;
// Local prototype
void MyInitAttributes( DSpContextAttributes *inAttributes);
** SetUpDrawing
OSErr SetUpDrawing(RgnHandle worldRgn)
DSpContextAttributes theDesiredAttributes;
OSStatus theError;
short desiredWidth = 1024;
short desiredHeight = 768;
short cnt, rectsize = (gWindowView == pIconBitmap) ? 32 : 16;
GDHandle mainDevice;
Rect mainRect, rect;
CGrafPtr theAltBufferPort;
GDHandle theAltBufferGDevice, theOldGDevice;
GrafPtr theOldPort;
short rectSize = 16;
if(worldRgn == nil)
return memFullErr;
// Get the info about the main device
mainDevice = GetMainDevice();
mainRect = (**mainDevice).gdRect;
desiredWidth = mainRect.right - mainRect.left;
desiredHeight = mainRect.bottom - mainRect.top;
/* set the context */
MyInitAttributes( &theDesiredAttributes );
theDesiredAttributes.displayWidth = desiredWidth;
theDesiredAttributes.displayHeight = desiredHeight;
theDesiredAttributes.colorNeeds = kDSpColorNeeds_Require;
theDesiredAttributes.backBufferDepthMask = kDSpDepthMask_8;
theDesiredAttributes.displayDepthMask = kDSpDepthMask_8;
theDesiredAttributes.backBufferBestDepth = 8;
theDesiredAttributes.displayBestDepth = 8;
theDesiredAttributes.pageCount = 2;
theError = DSpFindBestContext( &theDesiredAttributes, &gDrawContext );
if( theError && kDSpContextNotFoundErr != theError )
return theError;
if( kDSpContextNotFoundErr == theError )
return theError;
// save the world rgn
SetRectRgn(worldRgn, 0, 0, theDesiredAttributes.displayWidth, theDesiredAttributes.displayHeight);
** Here is where I need to OR in the value to use page flipping. If
** I had used the value when calling DSpFindBestContext() then it would
** have only considered displays that have page flipping hardware, but
** I want to run with software buffering too.
theDesiredAttributes.contextOptions |= kDSpContextOption_PageFlip;
/* reserve the context */
theError = DSpContext_Reserve( gDrawContext, &theDesiredAttributes );
if( theError )
return theError;
** allocate an alt buffer that will be used for the underlay. An
** underlay is useful in games that have a need to restore from a
** static background.
theError = DSpAltBuffer_New( gDrawContext, false, 0, &gUnderlay );
if( theError )
DSpContext_Release( gDrawContext );
return theError;
theError = DSpContext_SetUnderlayAltBuffer( gDrawContext, gUnderlay );
if( theError )
DSpContext_Release( gDrawContext );
return theError;
// Capture the desktop into the alt buffer
GetPort( &theOldPort );
theOldGDevice = GetGDevice();
/* set the alt buffer to be the current port */
theError = DSpAltBuffer_GetCGrafPtr( gUnderlay,
kDSpBufferKind_Normal, &theAltBufferPort, &theAltBufferGDevice );
if( theError )
DSpContext_Release( gDrawContext );
return theError;
** if you want to use QuickDraw or any other toolbox rendering
** code, you must setup the GDevice as well as the port when
** working with AltBuffers!
SetPort( (GrafPtr)theAltBufferPort );
SetGDevice( theAltBufferGDevice );
** fill the underlay buffer with the screen image
CopyBits(&qd.screenBits, &((GrafPtr)theAltBufferPort)->portBits,
&theAltBufferPort->portRect, &theAltBufferPort->portRect, srcCopy, nil);
// Erase all the icons that will be flocking, clipping to the window rect
for(cnt = 0; cnt < gNumItems; cnt++)
SetRect(&rect, gPositions[cnt].h, gPositions[cnt].v,
gPositions[cnt].h + rectsize, gPositions[cnt].v + rectsize);
SectRect(&rect, &gWindowRect, &rect);
// Restore port
SetPort( theOldPort );
SetGDevice( theOldGDevice );
// Set debug mode
/* put the context into the active state */
theError = DSpContext_SetState( gDrawContext, kDSpContextState_Active );
if( theError )
DSpContext_Release( gDrawContext );
return theError;
return noErr;
** CloseDownDrawing
OSErr CloseDownDrawing(void)
OSStatus theError = 0;
/* fade to black */
//theError = DSpContext_FadeGammaOut( NULL, NULL );
//if( theError )
DSpContext_Release( gDrawContext );
return theError;
// remove and dispose underlay
DSpContext_SetUnderlayAltBuffer( gDrawContext, NULL );
DSpAltBuffer_Dispose( gUnderlay );
gUnderlay = nil;
/* put the context into the inactive state */
theError = DSpContext_SetState( gDrawContext, kDSpContextState_Inactive );
if( theError )
DSpContext_FadeGammaIn( NULL, NULL );
DSpContext_Release( gDrawContext );
return theError;
/* fade back in */
//theError = DSpContext_FadeGammaIn( NULL, NULL );
//if( theError )
DSpContext_Release( gDrawContext );
return theError;
/* release the context */
theError = DSpContext_Release( gDrawContext );
if( theError )
return theError;
return noErr;
** StartDrawing
OSErr StartDrawing()
Rect theRect;
OSErr theError;
CGrafPtr theAltBufferPort;
GetPort( &gOldPort );
/* set the alt buffer to be the current port */
theError = DSpContext_GetBackBuffer( gDrawContext,
kDSpBufferKind_Normal, &theAltBufferPort);
if( theError )
DSpContext_Release( gDrawContext );
return theError;
** if you want to use QuickDraw or any other toolbox rendering
** code, you must setup the GDevice as well as the port when
** working with AltBuffers!
SetPort( (GrafPtr)theAltBufferPort );
return noErr;
** EndDrawing
OSErr EndDrawing()
OSErr theError;
// Swap buffers and restore old port
theError = DSpContext_SwapBuffers( gDrawContext, NULL, 0 );
SetPort( gOldPort );
return theError;
void MarkRect(Rect *rect)
// we ignore the error, if any.
DSpContext_InvalBackBufferRect(gDrawContext, rect);
** Name: MyInitAttributes
** Description:
** Initialize a context attributes structure so that there is no garbage
** data in it. This is important to do because DS will return an error
** if some fields are set incorrectly (including the "reserved" fields not
** being set to zero), and some things can actually cause a crash (such
** as a bogus color table handle).
void MyInitAttributes( DSpContextAttributes *inAttributes)
if( NULL == inAttributes )
DebugStr("\pStimpy! You Idiot!");
inAttributes->frequency = 0;
inAttributes->displayWidth = 0;
inAttributes->displayHeight = 0;
inAttributes->reserved1 = 0;
inAttributes->reserved2 = 0;
inAttributes->colorNeeds = 0;
inAttributes->colorTable = NULL;
inAttributes->contextOptions = 0;
inAttributes->backBufferDepthMask = 0;
inAttributes->displayDepthMask = 0;
inAttributes->backBufferBestDepth = 0;
inAttributes->displayBestDepth = 0;
inAttributes->pageCount = 0;
inAttributes->gameMustConfirmSwitch = false;
inAttributes->reserved3[0] = 0;
inAttributes->reserved3[1] = 0;
inAttributes->reserved3[2] = 0;
inAttributes->reserved3[3] = 0;